Tuesday, December 15, 2009

No Nativity Scene in DC this year

From an email:

An early update regarding Christmas in our nation's capital for 2009. I wanted to leak the story early so everyone fully understands. There will be no Nativity Scene in Washington this year! The Supreme Court has ruled that there cannot be a Nativity Scene in the United States ' Capital this Christmas season. This isn't for any religious reason. They simply have not been able to find Three Wise Men in the Nation's Capital. A search for a Virgin continues. There was no problem, however, finding enough asses to fill the stable.


Anonymous said...

When I read the first line my blood started to boil. By the end I was laughing to hard. When I finally regained my composure, all I could do was shake my head and say, "Walk, Walk, Walk, how clever you are."

Walk said...

Can't take the credit for that, I received it in an email.

Cheryl Peters said...

I love it!

makenwords said...

It think that is an epidemic that is found in every government from DC down to the those townships!!! Always,there are more then enough asses for the job!